Clinics We Offer
Appointments with the Nursing Team
Nurse Practitioners: Our nurse practitioners undertake complex long term condition management, they are also skilled in assessing, diagnosing and treating patients with acute health problems that require 'on the day' appointments and work as part of our on-call team, they see patients in the surgery and visit unwell housebound patients too.
Practice Nurses: Our Practice nursing team support patients to manage their long term conditions such as diabetes, asthma and COPD etc. they can support patients with weight management, They perform childhood and adult immunisations, they carry out smears, they see patients for wound management and undertake NHS travel vaccination clinics too.
Healthcare Assistants: Our healthcare assistants perform some tasks towards a patients annual long term condition to support the nursing team, they measuring height, weight, perform blood tests, blood pressure checks, discuss smoking and other lifestyle issues, they perform diabetic foot checks, removal of sutures (stitches) and assist with managing home blood pressure monitoring. They also give flu vaccines and Pneumonia vaccines too. They can perform ear irrigation on patients who have been assessed by a GP/Nurse/PA as requiring irrigation.
Phlebotomist: are able to take blood tests that have been ordered/requested by a Nurse or Dr.

Cervical Smear
It is recommended that women between the ages of 24 and 49 have a cervical smear every 3 years and between the ages of 50 and 64 every 5 years. Sheffield Health Authority will send you a reminder when your smear is due.
You can make an appointment for this with one of our nurses at any time, except Friday afternoons. Smear results may take four to six weeks and will come to you by post.
Other Sevices & Clinics Provided at Porter Brook and Student Health at SHU
Social Prescribers
Our Social Prescribers are trained health coaches that offer both practical and emotional support with the things that matter to you.
Our Social Prescribers support people for up to 12 weeks and offer either face to face appointments at the surgery or telephone appointments. Appointments are usually half an hour.
If you are interested in the service then please contact Reception on 0114 263 6100 and ask to be referred to the Social Prescribing Team. A Social Prescriber will then be in touch, usually within a week, to book you in for your initial appointment.
Antenatal / Midwives
They are involved in ante-natal and post-natal care, offering support and education, helping mothers and their partners prepare for parenthood.
Ante-natal clinics are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30am till 3:00pm. Please note that the first ante-natal appointment attendance requires a time longer than an average consultation, so a special appointment must be made.
Post-natal checks are carried out by one of our doctors by appointment.
Asthma Care
Patients with asthma can be seen by appointment at any time during the nurses’ surgery hours. We aim to review every patient with asthma each year. Find a link to our pregnancy care planner here.
Baby Clinic
Baby clinic is held on Tuesday afternoons. Appointments can be made between 13:30 and 14:50 to see the health visitor, nurse or doctor.
Drug Problems
We can offer help to people whose lives are affected by street drugs such as cannabis and heroin. We work closely with other rehabilitation services in the city.
Eating disorder team
At Porter Brook and Student health at SHU we have an in-house eating disorder team, if you feel that you may benefit from this service, please contact us to arrange an appointment and complete the eating disorder questionnaire found on our website.
You will be booked an appointment with a member of the team to discuss your concerns in more detail.
If you would like to access any services outside of the surgery we have lots of recommended charities and organisations - please click this link
Health Promotion
The promotion of a healthy lifestyle has an increasing role in the care we provide for our patients. We provide advice and support for people who want to give up smoking. We will advise you about how much alcohol you drink, healthier eating and the importance of exercise.
Minor Surgery
Minor surgery is available by appointment for removing moles, sebaceous cysts, warts and so on after an assessment by a doctor or nurse.
Patients can self-refer to see a in house physio (book via reception) please.
Occupational Health
An occupational health worker visits the practice twice a month. You can make an appointment to see him. He can discuss any aspect of your work that you think may be affecting your health.
Travel Advice
The practice offers an advice and vaccination service for travellers. It is important when you are planning to travel abroad that you make an appointment with the nurse six to eight weeks before you travel wherever possible. Porter Brook Medical Centre can give the vaccination against yellow fever. See the above tab for more information
The counselling service we provide at Porter Brook is limited and can only be accessed after discussion with a doctor. We may recommend that you see the primary care mental health worker allocated to the practice. We often recommend some of the excellent voluntary counselling services:
MIND 0114 258 4489
Share Psychotherapy Agency 0114 273 0200
Relate (relationship counselling) 0300 100 1234
Cruse (bereavement counselling) 0870 167 1677
Shipshape 0114 2500222
For the students of Sheffield Hallam University a counselling service is provided by the University. Students can make their own appointments at the counselling reception or by phoning 0114 225 2136.
Patients with diabetes are invited for regular reviews. If you are a SHU student with diabetes, we would like to see you annually, even if your diabetes is managed in your home town.

Sexual Health
If you need contraception, we are happy to discuss the options available and help you choose the best method for you. We provide a full range of contraceptive services from pills, injections, implants and coils.
To find out more about your options visit...
or try
Emergency Contraception
The emergency contraceptive pill is available if you have had unprotected sex or your chosen method of contraception fails. You can take it up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex but it is most effective if you take it in the first 24 hours after having sex. Please ask the receptionist for an emergency appointment. We will always see you if we know it is for emergency contraception. Alternatively, you can ask to speak to a doctor or nurse by telephone as in many cases we can prescribe this without needing a face-to-face consultation.
At the weekends the emergency contraceptive pill is available from the NHS Walk in Centre, located at The Royal Hallamshire Hospital, open 8am to 8pm. No appointment is needed. You can also phone the surgery telephone number which will put you through to the Sheffield GP Collaborative and a doctor will phone you back.
If more than 72 hours but less than 5 days have elapsed since the episode of unprotected sex then an emergency coil can be fitted either at the Practice or at the Sheffield Sexual Health Service.
Tel : 0114 226 8888.
Condom Distribution Scheme
We offer all patients a pack of 20 condoms every month free of charge. To register for the scheme and receive your first pack, please complete a form at Reception. No appointment is necessary unless you want to see the nurse for advice.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Our nurses and doctors are able to offer advice, confidential testing and treatment for all sexually transmitted diseases.
To find out more about these click on: